After creating a mock customer database interface in C for ICS 212, Program Structure, I recreated it in C++. The application has no GUI, but is designed to be used through the command-line interface (CLI), just like the C version. When the application is started, a menu is displayed prompting the user to choose one of several options. Options include:
It took about a week to translate this application to C++ and add some extra features. I was once again the sole author of this project, and it was written entirely in C++, following C++ conventions. It was interesting to program in an object-oriented style outside of Java. I would like to build more experience in C++ and become more fluent in the language in the future.
Programming this application gave me a deeper understanding of passing by reference, and how easy it is! The experience also introduced me to overloading an operator, which I had experienced previously but never really recognized. I also became aware of preprocessor directives through this project, and how they can be used in combination with make to create different versions of an application, such as a special version for debugging.
Source: Check out my repo on GitHub.